- ZeroSSL*
- PositiveSSL
- RapidSSL
SECURITY CERTIFICATE | $200 per entire year | $1200 per entire year | $1900 per entire year |
99+% Browser Support
Browser compatibility: your SSL will work with any modern browser and OS (PC, MAC and mobile devices)
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Domain Validation
Same day SSL issuance
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Free Installation
NYhost will provide free security certificate installation and 24/7 SSL support
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Validity Period
Let's Encrypt is valid for 90 days while others - 1 year. ZeroSSL is valid for 90 days with manual renewal option (4 x 90 days).
| 4 x 90 Days | 1 Year | 1 Year |
Site SSL Seal
Site security seal (optional) can be placed on your website.
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Warranty by SSL Authority ("SSL misuse warranty")
| $10,000 | $10,000 | |
SEO optimization
Sites with valid SSL (with HSTS) will perform better across major search engines.
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Best SSL for:
Commercial grade SSL will perform better (more trusted)
| Personal and BIZ | Commercial | Commercial | Order Today! | Order Today | Order Today | Order Now |