Contact NYhost.net
24/7 Technical Support
24/7/365 Help Center: submit a ticket
Online Chat (chat icon will be visible MON – FRI 10 AM – 6 PM EST).
Network Status, Planned and Emergency Maintenances: NYhost (Telegram channel). You can send your instant messages via Telegram to: NYhosting.
NYhost.net operates 24/7/365. We usually respond within 4 hours.
Premium Reseller Support
If you have private reseller account with NYhost.net, you can reach us via 24/7/365 Help Center or via emergency hotline: 1-646-595-0555. Please have your ticket ID and server name ready when you call. If you have SD-1, SD-2, SD-3, RS-2, RS-3, Pro Reseller or Global Reseller hosting plan, you can request free mobile number for emergency texts and callbacks. Please note: this service is free and included in your hosting plan. However, you mobile provider may charge extra for each data or voice message.
Abuse department
Abuse issues (spamming, DMCA complaints, malware events etc.) should be logged via 24/7/365 Help Center. Please select “Abuse issue” in “Type of Request”. You may also send abuse report directly to abuse@nyhost.net
Network Status Page
You can check network status page and server maintenance schedules via NYhost Status. If you wish to receive any maintenance or emergency notifications, please choose data center then subscribe. You can receive an email or Google Chat. Server status page is always available (we’re currently adding more servers to public monitoring): status.nyhost.net. There you can check server and data center uptime reports.
Sales and Billing
Sales and Billing department operates Monday to Friday, 10 AM to 6 PM EST. You can reach Sales or Billing via Help Center or email: sales@nyhost.net
Social Networks
Telegram (important notifications, discounts and coupons; DMs are welcome via @NYHosting): NYhost
Instagram (pretty cool NYC photos and limited time offers; DMs are welcome): NYhost
Privacy Policy and Data Processing
If you have any questions or concerns about privacy practices with regard to your information, please contact: privacy@nyhost.org